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  • Writer's picturemanoj ghimire

How to Improve Your Running Technique and Avoid Injury

5 Tips for Running Better and Not Getting Hurt

Jogging is a great kind of exercise that has many benefits to human health when practiced correctly but the act can also result in one getting hurt. This is because when you decide to work out, yet you keep on experiencing this issues, the best thing is to focus on enhancing your running form which will enable you to have a productive session and also reducing such issues relating to injuries. For the regular runner, as well as the beginner, one is able to find considerable improvement in the way they run by employing the correct form and running mechanics.

In the following article, some important suggestions as well as ways of avoiding the most typical running related injuries are going to be discussed. Here, you will find the right approach in running, from the correct foot strike, quality of foot posture, proper breathing and adequate stretching exercises which will help in avoiding ailments for runners. By applying these strategies in your training, not only would you maximize your running effectiveness, you would also minimize your chance of getting those painful and career threatening injuries that is synonymous with running.

How to change your Running Mechanics and prevent injuries

How to Resolve Some Common Issues in Running Technique and Injury.

Jogging is the great type of physical activity that is useful as far as increasing cardiovascular capacities, muscles tone and boosting mood. However, many runners make the mistake of ignoring this and end up straining themselves and experiencing set back in their training. Thus it is very wise to ensure that you observe your form and tweak it in a manner that reduces the chances of you getting an injury while running.

Among all factors that go into running technique, it is critical to note the role of posture in the process. Thus, when you run focus should be made on keeping a good stand and having your head in a position of no rotation. Do not hunch over or look down at the feet as this places a lot of pressure on the neck and the back. Therefore, while running, stand with a straight upper body as if there is a straight line from your head to the hips, let your shoulders be relaxed and pleasantly swing your arms.

Yet another aspect that plays a critical role in increasing the efficiency of your running is the foot ground impact. Most runners have a particular problem of overstriding, a condition in which their feet runs in front of the body most of the time. This may cause high usage on the certain joints and muscles; hence leads to injuries or riggers. Thus, attempt to take shorter and more frequent steps and shoot towards the middle of the foot. Your foot should touch the ground below your body and not in front of your body in order to avoid putting a pressure on your joints and muscles.

Cadence should also be among the major aspects that are taken into consideration when it comes to running. Cadence relates to the rate at which an athlete moves up and down, especially when running, simply defined as how many steps they take in one minute. In total, most runners’ target cadence should be set at 180 steps per minute. This is important in increasing the running efficiency and decreasing the stress that is placed on the foot since it is on the ground for a shorter time.

Breathing method is the other jogging component people fail to consider. Breathing can also be controlled to maximum the oxygen that is taken into the body and energy that is used when running. Expand attention to breathe taking in through the nostrils and out through the mouth. And while walking, attempt to breathe in time with your steps, for instance one could take a couple of steps while breathing in and then follow it with a couple of steps while exhaling. It can also assist you to manage your breathing especially if you are likely to develop side stitches or cramps when jogging.

Finally, proper nutrition is not practicable without adequate sleep and this is the final tip that I would recommend when it comes to exercising and building muscle. The major faults of endurance are overtraining and excessive physical activity eliminate the possibility of burnout and injury. Make sure that there are days of rest included in the training plan and pay attention to the signals that signify pain or discomfort from training. Any persistent pain felt while running should be treated as a potential issue and one has to see a doctor.

In this case, working on the technique will help to reduce on possible injuries and at the same time enhance on the efficiency of running hence making the runner better over time. One should also pay particular attention to issues of posture, foot strike, cadence, breathing pattern, rest and recovery if one is to achieve his or her running objectives in a healthy manner. Happy running!

Thus, by maintaining correct pacing, introducing strength training, understanding your body’s signs, and gradually increasing your weekly mileage, it is possible to enhance running biomechanics and minimize the potential for injury. It has to be pointed out that running is something that develops gradually and hence it is recommended to be patient especially when recovering from injuries or illnesses. So by following these tips and running techniques, this list has provided you the blessings of running that will definitely not be interfered by setbacks. Happy running!


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